The Harris & Bruno Circulation System is the preferred chamber/anilox/circulation system for tower coaters throughout the world, and is found on OEMs like Koenig & Bauer, Komori, many others.
Though many of our circulators have different value points geared towards individual market sectors, the thousands that we have installed over the years are rooted from the same high-end technology that we have been fine tuning for the past 75+ years.
At H&B we know that not all circulators are created equal. Different processes require different features. We offer various levels of automation – from a single pump gravity return version up to a fully automated PLC-controlled ink delivery system. Every system is made to order to fit your applications.

Advanced Pumping Systems
Automated coating and wash functions have always made us the leader in the industry. H&B now proudly takes it a step higher. The revolutionary breakthrough of Smart Pump technology not only enables the circulator to adjust itself for coating viscosity variations— it also allows the circulator, through the use of continuous feedback loops, to automatically adjust its own timers for coating and wash cycles. This proprietary technology has enabled us to stay in front of the curve and take the coating tower automation to the next level.
Longer Life – up to 5x of conventional diaphragm pumps
Interchangeable with ARO pumps
Incorporates new diaphragm material
Increased flow rates
Less air consumption
Simple compact design with fewer moving parts
Fluid ports integrated into base
Ability to remove balls & checks without disrupting plumbing
Ability to operate at lower pressures resulting in less pulsation
Stable operation possible even with minimal flow rates
Consistent repeatable stopping and starting

What Is a Circulator, and Why is it Needed?
H&B’s renowned circulator technology is the brains of your operation. Each circulator contains all the necessary pumps, valves, fittings, and controls to consistently and efficiently supply coatings and wash solutions to the chamber. We offer several models of circulators to fit the needs of almost all potential coating applications. Upgradeable architecture easily allows for items such as adding hybrids to a conventional machine.
How Does it Work?
The H&B Coating Circulator pumps the coating into the cavity or the chamber where it gets deposited into the cells of the anilox roll. Next, the special doctoring blade inside the chamber scrapes the surface of the roll clean, leaving only the liquid inside the confines of the cells.Those cells are what releases coating onto the blanket cylinder, which in turn applies coating to the sheet.


Electronically controlled chamber loading pressure
Quickly set and recall settings at the touch of a button
Pull-off access panels on three sides
Easy access for hassle-free maintenance
Hinged front door & Slide-out rack
Instant access to adjust air pressure regulators and pump racks
Built-in rack slot for a second pump assembly
Modify and upgrade when the time is right for your business
Ability to add a third pump assembly pedestal
Expand your offerings to customers with more options
IVL Technology- Automated adjustments
Maintains viscosity levels and adjusts pumps accordingly with no intervention


Automated Pumping Systems
RapidWash1 and RapidWash2
The fully automated RapidWash cleans 100% of the components used in inking, with no hoses to change out! Control all wash-up cycles with “one touch” automation via the touch screen interface. HydroComp™ Linear Loading reduces cost with automatic compensation for blade wear. The completely self-contained RapidWash cart is small & modular, making it flexible in tight spaces. The small footprint also reduces the amount of ink needed to start up the system. This system features 2 Smart Pumps. With RapidWash, you'll see immediate productivity gains. Faster, higher quality wash-ups mean less downtime between jobs, less color contamination, fewer errors, and more overall savings!

Semi-Automated Pumping Systems
FP1 and FP2
Incorporating H&B’s Smart Pump the FP1 (Solvent Based Inks) and FP2 (Water Based Inks) single-pump units are perfect for flexo applications where a gravity drain from the chamber is adequate. Designed to work with all chambers, the pump and controls are incorporated into a compact, stand-alone enclosure with the ink container sliding into position within or outside the enclosure.
Press-side organization & easy clean-up functions help make it a practical solution for gravity drain applications. Integrated, panel-mounted controls facilitate chamber loading functions, inking & wash-up procedures. Optional features include viscosity control with touch screen interface & air-driven mixer/agitator with speed indicator

DP2 Dual Pumps
This system features dual Smart Pumps for a positive supply and return fluid flow. It’s recommended for water based ink applications where a single pump gravity drain system is not practical or desired. This design features one pump for supply and one pump for return, providing excellent fluid management control. And since individual pumps supply and return the fluid to and from the chamber, hoses can be routed in a way that they are organized and hidden from sight.
All inking cycle components are also part of the wash cycle and are cleaned with every changeover. Integrated, panel-mounted controls facilitate chamber loading functions & inking and wash-up procedures.


Fully automated inking and washup system for corrugated presses
Various Ink control options
Available for top or bottom print station configuration
Composite iX-Chamber
- Equal performance to Carbon Fiber chambers
- More cost effective than Carbon Fiber cambers
- Stands up against high-pH inks
- Anti-pulsation and anti-foaming


Sheet Fed Coating Applications
EC Systems
Every H&B ExcelCoat Sheetfed Coater has the possibility of 1, 2, or 3 fully automated circulation systems. Each system can be configured for AQ, UV, or Priming. This eliminates cross contamination concerns with separate sets of hoses & Smart Pumps for incompatible coating or chemistry types.
ExcelCoat Modular System
The ExcelCoat Modular Circulation System is ideal for printers who routinely change between UV, AQ, & Primer, and are looking to offer a variety of high-quality coating options with quick changeovers. With fully independent pumping systems for each coating chemistry, this modular system is mounted on dedicated racks & slides within the machine. This flexible design is easily up-gradable in the field. With automated changeovers in as little as 10 minutes for incompatible chemistries, this system provides high throughput with minimal downtime.
Web Coating Applications
Web Circulators
H&B ExcelCoat web coaters utilize the same high end circulation systems that we build for the offset industry.


Reduce Foaming While Mixing
Duo Mixer: Mixing and Anti-Foaming
Harris & Bruno’s innovative mixing and antifoaming Duo Mixer device works by introducing a large air bubble into the bottom of the tank. As the bubble rises, it mixes the liquid and helps to dissipate foam. Save yourself the hassle of mechanical mixing with the Duo Mixer’s automated pneumatic agitation. No electricity is needed for this air only device. With easy start-up and handling, the Duo Mixer is applicable for all tank sizes.
Available for a 30-day Try and Buy Program. Check in with one of our circulator experts to get this going: Duo Mixer Trial
"The Duo Mixer has proven itself perfectly. It's actually a shame that we didn't know about it earlier."
- Günther Schneeberger, Goerner Packaging GmbH
Optimize Coating Temperatures
Jacketed Tank with Chiller
Some coatings require temperature control to maintain sustainability. For these materials, Harris & Bruno offers an optional chiller unit that can be incorporated into the stainless steel, water jacketed reservoir. The water jacketed reservoir can also be connected to the press chill water supply if that is available.

Inline Heating Unit
The seamlessly integratable H&B Inline Heating Unit accurately and consistently provides the highest level of process control necessary for optimal UV coating performance. This product allows press operators to easily control UV coating temperature, resulting in better coating release, enhanced leveling characteristics and increased gloss levels.
No longer is ambient air temperature an influential factor in UV coating performance; this unique design provides continuous closed loop temp. monitoring at the anilox roll surface. In addition, the inline design is seamlessly integrated into your existing H&B Circulator, offering the added benefit of wash-up to the list.

Easily Mix and Run Particulates
Specialty Coating Circulator
The H&B Specialty Coating Circulator (SCC) is designed with peristaltic pumps for metallic, pearlescent, opaque and other “difficult-to-run” specialty coatings. This circulator pumps a wide range of viscosities up to 600 centipoise and includes manual wash-up procedures to minimize coating waste. The SCC functions as a stand-alone system, fully integrated into H&B Chamber/Anilox System, or connected to PLC of another H&B Circulator for touch screen operation.